Holzapfel Farm

Holzapfel (crab-apple) is a special place in that it is mentioned in the death record of the oldest known family patriarch, Stephan Haselbacher (1641). The farmhouse lies just downhill and to the east of Farmstead Gseng. It is not as easily seen as the other farms described here which are on crests of hills or near roads. The entrance to the Holzafel farm leaves Highway 22 just east below the Luftwirt Guesthouse. It cannot be seen from the road, but when I climbed the hill above the main road, I was able to see the farm above the trees.

Turning to the east and looking down the valley towards Gresten gives the following views.

A walk along a curving farm road gives the view below of the farm house. It was an early rainy morning and I was on my own so I did not go to the door. Next time!

The following view is looking up the hill to the west. Somewhere up there above the trees is Farmstead Gseng.

By way of overview, here is a photo taken from the hill above House Haselbach which is seen in the left foreground. In the switchback on the right is Sonnleiten, and further up the zigzag road is Gseng. Unseen, but over the crest of the hill from Sonleiten and Gseng is the location of Holzafel.

And for further (overkill) orientation, here is a view of Holzapfel from the hill on the north side across the valley. That's Holzapfel just to left of center and below the power lines, with Luftwirt above at the 10:00 position. Gseng can be seen peeking above the trees in the upper right part of the photo.

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Peter Hasselbacher
8 Nov 2008